Love is just a word..
But when it comes to You..
Love is so extraordinary..
You touch me with your heart & soul..
We can share joy, laughter.. and sorrow
It's the way you make me feel
That made my life so alive
Never I found such a perfect match
to hate (before) and to love..
You can read through me
You can ease my pain
I feel so precious
I am blessed..
and definitely..
I'm in Love with You..
..Happy 2nd Year Anniversary..
But when it comes to You..
Love is so extraordinary..
You touch me with your heart & soul..
We can share joy, laughter.. and sorrow
It's the way you make me feel
That made my life so alive
Never I found such a perfect match
to hate (before) and to love..
You can read through me
You can ease my pain
I feel so precious
I am blessed..
and definitely..
I'm in Love with You..
..Happy 2nd Year Anniversary..
9 komentar:
Happy 2nd Year Anniversary..
May the joy of true companionship be yours to share through life...
Selamat atas milad pernikahan ke 2 smoga langgeng.amiiin.Dan klo' dilihat wajah masing-masing,sama yach sekarang dan dua tahun lalu padahal dah nongol buah cintanya hehe..selamat bahagia slalu...
Happy 2nd Year Anniversary yaa..semoga rukun dan bahagia selalu..:)
selamat ya tante & Om, moga tambah sayang satu sama yg lain, pa lg dah ada hasilnya....latifah yg cute habis...
selamat...selamat....semoga langgeng sampai kaken ninen....
happy anniversary yaa... semoga rukun2 selalu sampai kaken-ninen
Hwaa...sooo sweeett...congrats ya bu :)
Wah... selamat ya Bu... semoga teruuuuuusssss merayakan Anniversary-2 yang akan datang....
Salam kenal...
happy anniversary ya mbak shanti. moga langgeng sampe kakek nenek yaa...
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